Writer Resources

Welcome, faith writer…

If you’re here visiting from Your Best Writing Life podcast, thank you for stopping by to grab the resource I created just for writers like us.

Email marketing is a common challenge we writers face, so I’ve put together 10 strategies that have helped me grow a thriving subscriber community.

You can access it by clicking the button here. No need to subscribe, just grab the PDF, print it out, or save it to your device.

Open laptop and coffee mug on a table in outdoor setting with greenery

Sometimes we need help getting the creativity flowing. Journaling is a beautiful form of artistic expression, and also a tried-and-true strategy for generating ideas for the page!

I’ve put together a list of 20 journal writing prompts to jumpstart your writing. You can access that printable PDF at the button below:

If you’d like to learn more about me and the message of my heart, including my favorite writing topics and more, you can do that here.

You are welcome to join my community of women committed to becoming more than ourselves through God’s Word by subscribing here. You’ll get a word of encouragement sent to your inbox on Thursdays.

Check back soon for other resources to help you on your faith writing journey. Thanks for stopping by:)