When You Are Refined by Family Conflict

Frustrations had reached a new level in our relationship. One word described the atmosphere between us. Tense. Every attempt at conversation ended in some sort of disagreement. It became expected, part of the routine. Pretty soon we realized avoidance was the best answer. But all I really wanted was for things to be ok again. Calm, good, agreeable. 

Nothing hurts like the pain of being at odds with someone I love. Just the word conflict makes me cringe. And honestly I don’t like to talk about it. In fact, I hesitated when writing about this. Every time I tried to begin, shame crept in and caused me to question whether I’m a good mom, wife, daughter, or sister…

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When You Bend Down and Believe

Our devotion this week comes from my dear friend, writer Lyli Dunbar. I know you will enjoy her contribution to our series on BELIEF. Let’s learn what it means to bend down and believe!

I woke up a few weeks ago with a knot in my stomach. My anxiety was so heavy that I couldn’t hold food down for several hours. To settle my nerves, I nibbled on bite-sized pieces of bread and drank sips of Gatorade. All morning, I sat in my living room with my Bible open on my lap and asked God to help me push past fear.  

“Lord, we need a breakthrough.”  Someone I loved was in a heap of trouble, and there was not a thing I could do to change it. All I could do was pray.  

So with a heavy heart, I cried out to God and asked Him to do what I could not. I asked Him to interrupt my loved one and turn her around.

I needed a miracle.

I asked the Creator who spoke this vast universe into existence to say a word of life and peace over my family.

I looked to my Savior to fight for me and with me. My Jesus who conquered the ravages of sin and death must once again rescue a lost soul from the gates of hell.  

I groaned as the tears fell and asked the Holy Spirit to help.  

Do it again, Jesus.  Do it again.

Lord, I want to believe You can do the impossible.  

This morning as I type these words I am still persevering in prayer. I will go down fighting on my knees. I will bend down and believe God is faithful and true.  

I will never give up. God gets the last word, and He is not finished yet.  

Friend, God is going to do even greater things. He always gets the glory.  If you are reading this and struggling to believe, I want to encourage you to bend down and believe. Lift up your  heart to Him and ask Him to help your unbelief.

He is still Healer.

He is still Lord of all.  

He can speak but a word, and you will witness His wonder.  

On days when I am struggling to believe, I will often open up my Bible to the gospels and read about how Jesus helped the lame to walk and the blind to see.  He called out demons, and He cleansed lepers. This is the same Jesus whose resurrection power lives in me. Death could not hold Him.  Nothing can stop Him.

This morning, I turned to Mark 9 and read about the man who brought his mute son to Jesus. I picture this father carrying his boy with the foaming mouth to the Savior.  I see his tiny frame twitching uncontrollably as his father stands there holding his body up as an offering. His father pleads for Jesus to have a heart and help his precious child who had endured uncontrollable convulsions day after day. This weighed down man holds up his son and says, “ If you can do anything, do it.”

Jesus’ response captured my attention: “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen.” (Mark 9:23, MSG)

When we bend down and believe, our what ifs turn into without a doubt.  (Tweet this.)

Without a doubt, God can do it.  He did it before, and He will do it again.

Until then, I choose to bend down and believe.

Lyli Dunbar’s burning passion as a writer, speaker and Biblical life coach is to fuel a wildfire faith in the weary hearted. She starts every weekday by digging into the Word verse by verse with thousands of women as a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 App and Love God Greatly. A fireball at heart, Lyli is energized by singing karaoke in the car with her husband, reading 12 books at a time, and cooking Cuban food for a full house. Stop by lylidunbar.com to grab faith fuel for your day or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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