How to Know When to Press Pause

This post has been updated from its original version.

I shouldn’t have gone.


That’s all I could think as I pulled in my driveway that afternoon. I wanted to forget the whole day, let it go. But looking back I saw the destruction I left behind. The effects of my bad attitude would surely cause a ripple of negativity, and all because I didn’t respond well that morning when something in my heart said…


Don’t go. Take a break.


Oh, I heard the voice alright. The gentle prompting that knew my fragile emotions so well. I just chose not to listen. Someone I loved was dealing with a tragic situation, and even though I couldn’t be there face-to-face, my heart ached for her. At that moment, focusing on anything else seemed impossible.


But canceling the plans for the day made me feel weak. I can handle this, I convinced myself. So I decide to ignore the voice and just go to the meeting at work. After all, focusing my mind on something else might be just what I needed, right?


Only I wasn’t anticipating the most stressful, frustrating day ever.

How to Know When It’s Time to Take a Pause

We’re told that life knows no limits. We’re challenged to break past any barriers that hold us back. But somewhere along the way, the lines that show us our boundaries become hazy. Knowing where these lines are drawn in our own lives will help us know when to forge ahead and when we need to take a break.

Sometimes God directs us to be brave as we face that mountain ahead. Step out in faith. Pressing past inhibitions draws us into a deeper trust in Him.


However, there are other times when we need to press pause. Take a moment to breathe. Giving ourselves permission to take a break shows wisdom.  

What Does the Bible Say About Taking a Break?

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NLT


In Matthew chapter 11, Jesus offered a special kind of rest. Not just for ordinary days, but for when we’re extra tired and weary, when we carry heavy burdens, or when we’ve reached our limit.

A limit can be defined as the “utmost extent” of something. God created our bodies with limits. We need rest, time to recharge and care for ourselves. When we get close to that utmost extent, God will give us gentle warnings, signaling us that it’s time for a pause.


I sensed Jesus’ gentle warning in my spirit that day, but I chose to ignore it and keep going. The result? I replaced contentment with a short temper. My short fuse brought out some harsh words instead of peaceful conversation.


Thinking back on that day, I’m tempted to shake my head and get frustrated with myself all over again, but then I remember today’s verse in Matthew. Precious words from Jesus himself, giving me a much-need reprieve and God’s unending grace. So rather than sinking in despair, I have hope today. Hope that brings me to a new place of understanding that boundaries are necessary for our busy lives.

Maybe like me, you’ve been in that place. Where you go go go rather than allowing yourself to receive the gift of sweet rest. If so, take a deep breath today. Because we serve a merciful, forgiving God who desires to see us learn from His Word and grow in wisdom. Let's find encouragement in Jesus’ promises for rest, just when we need it most.


The next time we’re tempted to go go go without a reprieve, we can remember the verse above. May the God of mercy and grace continue to direct us as we discern when to press on and when to press pause.

Want to learn more about the light burden and easy yoke of Jesus? Check out this article here that breaks it down for us.


How to Assess Your Need for Rest

I usually love this time of year, when the calendar rolls over signaling the start of a rest-filled month. In my little corner of the world, July brings with it lots of family time, sunny days, and vacations. A time to replenish. Usually.

But as we are all well aware, things change. Some years look different. Vacation plans get canceled, work schedules adjust to meet all the challenges. We agonize over what will happen with our kids’ school schedules. And in the midst of it all, we can’t forget to watch out for health concerns. It’s enough to make my brain tired.

I’ve wondered lately how I can feel so exhausted, when physically I haven’t been doing as much as I’m used to. It seems like I’m home more than normal, and maybe even less active. So why do we feel so worn out?

Because a mind working overtime leads to a spirit in need of rest.

Maybe like me, you’ve been fighting information overload. Mulling over decisions, adding to your to-do lists, considering all the what-ifs. Or maybe your current responsibilities have you running on overload. Even though we feel like we’re not being productive, we still lack our usual energy.

If I’m not getting anything done, why am I so tired?

What we are all experiencing may be a signal that we need a little extra rest. A simple self assessment will help us determine whether we need a brain-break right about now. Let’s allow these 3 questions to guide us as we assess our need for rest this week.

3 Questions to Help Me Assess My Need for Rest

  1. When I look at the week ahead, do I feel overwhelmed?

  2. Am I responding in frustration when my loved ones ask normal, everyday questions?

  3. Am I having frequent strange dreams and waking up confused about simple things, like what day it is?

If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, you may be in need of more rest. Resting the mind doesn’t necessarily mean more sleep. Because let’s be real, sometimes that’s just not possible. The good news is that we can find rest for a tired spirit in many different ways.

A few moments to decompress will do wonders for a weary spirit.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to rest.

A Few Favorite Ways to Rest

  • Stepping outside to feel the sun on my face and listen to the sounds of nature.

  • Closing my eyes and focusing on deep breathing for five minutes.

  • A cup of my favorite hot tea while praying a prayer of thanksgiving. 

  • Listening to the Psalms read aloud on a Bible app. 

Could I encourage you today to jot down a few of your favorite ways to rest? Then follow that up by writing down one of these verses. When we open our eyes to our need for rest and turn that need over to God, He will provide what we need to guard our hearts and minds, and give us rest for our souls. 

Verses for When Our Minds Need Rest

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29

“And he said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’” Exodus 33:14 ESV

Praying you will find the rest you need in the coming days, and that God will fill you to overflowing with His rejuvenating peace.

For more encouragement to help when you feel overloaded, check out this post, Moving from an Overloaded Life to Overflowing with Hope.

