Releasing Our Need-to-Know

This morning as I was writing our devotion, I had to stop mid-sentence.

Something I battled weeks ago came crashing in on my day. Back again for more.

Truth be told, I thought I was winning the battle. I’d pushed the problem back far enough that I started to hope it was gone for good. Now with this surprise attack, an array of emotions came crashing in with it. Anger, frustration, and defeat top the list.

So I erased my first sentence and started over here. I hope you don’t mind.

Because friend, it’s easy to talk about taking risks and stepping out in faith when things are going great. But those are rarely the times when God asks us to do something hard, or even scary.

It’s the moments when our vulnerability leaves us exposed. When our only hope is to trust Him to work in our situations. To trust Him like our lives depend on it.

Developing Deeper Trust

I hate it when I start to feel like I’ve won a victory in my life only to face another surprise attack. But I’m learning that those are the moments when God beckons me to trust Him on a new level.

I grabbed the words below from an article I wrote a few years ago, because I wanted to share them with you here. We’re not alone in our struggle to trust God. And we can find encouragement from others who’ve walked this road. Others who learned the secret to holding onto hope...

When we rely on God’s sovereignty instead of our strength, we will discover faith like never before.

A Woman Who Held onto Control

“The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it,” (Genesis 3:6 NLT).

“The planner in me dislikes not knowing. I want everything written down in orderly fashion in my ultra-efficient organizer. I want to be able to cross out one item at a time on my to-do list while smiling with satisfaction. Planning makes me feel in control, and I like being in control.

So when I come face to face with unexpected circumstances, I feel self-sufficiency slip away. That’s when fear finds its place in my heart. 

Genesis 3:6 shows how Eve had this same struggle with needing-to-know the details. Eve gave in to the temptation to know more. It was a tactic of the enemy who knows our weaknesses. 

We can be just like Eve when facing the unknown. We can be very convincing as we talk ourselves into taking the beautiful fruit! We want wisdom to be able to figure things out on our own and answer all those what-if questions. What if it doesn’t work out? What if something bad happens? 

But focusing on the unknown gives fear an edge. God wants us to release our need to know and trust Him with the plan.”

Is there a problem persisting in your life right now? Are you struggling to trust God with each unexpected attack of the enemy? Friend, this is when we need to hold onto God’s promises more than ever. Let’s resist the urge to know the why and instead rely on His sovereignty.

God is for us. In the midst of battle, that’s all we need to know.

A portion of this devotion is an excerpt from an article by Kristine Brown, “10 Women in the bible Who Struggled to Trust God’s Plan,” originally published on

A Journey of Enriched Faith

Welcome guest author Grace Fox to today!

Writing as a Spiritual Journey

For me, writing a book is far more than producing a manuscript under deadline in hopes that my publisher will deem it acceptable. I liken it to a spiritual journey that reminds me of my dependency on God and leads me into a deeper understanding of who He is.

Writing Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos was no exception. This journey stretched and enriched my faith in profound ways. Specifically, it provided a means for me to witness three of God’s attributes in action. 

God’s Sovereignty

I pitched the proposal using a different title in 2018. Two editors expressed interest but later rejected it. I intended to tweak and retitle it, but a busy schedule hindered me. In January 2020, as a friend described a challenge she’d faced three months prior, the existing title—Finding Hope in Crisis—came like a download into my mind.

The pandemic struck a few weeks later and left my calendar blank. I updated the proposal, my agent sent it to several publishers, and Aspire Press expressed interest. They were looking for a substitute for a similar project that had recently fallen through, and mine fit the need.

Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.” I’ve seen this verse fulfilled in other contexts, but the circumstances surrounding the proposal proved it true again. When we love and serve the Lord, He orchestrates every detail necessary to fulfill His plan for us in His timing.

God’s Strength

Between signing the contract and starting the manuscript, my husband and I helped our daughter pack her household and move sixteen hours’ drive away. In the middle of the muddle, I broke my tailbone and suffered a shoulder injury. 

My body felt wrecked after the long drive home, but a deadline loomed. My husband rigged up a makeshift desk so I could stand while writing. Using an O-cushion gave me the option to sit when my legs grew tired. As for my shoulder, the pain worsened and affected my ability to sleep. 

In my proposal, I’d said I could complete the manuscript in three months. Before she issued the contract, the managing editor said she wanted to fast-track the book and asked how much time I could shave off the three months. I gulped. “I’ll do it in two months,” I’d said.

I knew that delivering the manuscript in two months even in the best of health would push my limits. Then came the physical hurdles. I prayed many times each day for God’s help, and He answered: I completed the first draft in 20 days despite injuries and insomnia.

Our human bent says weakness is a bad thing, but that’s not the case. Second Corinthians 12:9-11 says God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. When we admit our limitations and invite His help, weakness becomes the portal through which we can see God do mighty things on our behalf. 

God’s Goodness

My mother’s health declined suddenly three weeks after I submitted the manuscript, and she passed away two months later. I functioned in crisis mode during that painful time. I craved biblical encouragement but couldn’t focus on a lengthy Scripture passage. I needed something easy to read when my mind was on overload. Finding Hope in Crisis—the manuscript I’d just submitted—became that resource. Who would have thought?

When he learned of my mother’s death, my literary agent offered a perspective I hadn’t considered. He said, “God knew this loss was coming, so He held the book contract until a few months prior. You were immersed in the Word for 20 days solid, focusing on truth that would help people in crisis. He used your own work to prepare you for what was coming, and He did this for you because He is good.”

Writing the devotional Finding Hope in Crisis led me on a faith journey that helped me understand God’s sovereignty, strength, and goodness in new ways. I pray it will do the same for my readers, for knowing these truths is key to knowing calm when life feels chaotic.


Grace Fox is a career global worker, speaks at women’s events overseas and across North America, and has authored ten books. She’s a regular contributor to Mornings with Jesus (Guideposts) and a member of the “First 5” writing team for Proverbs 31 Ministries. Her new devotional Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos is available wherever Christian books are sold. Connect with Grace on her website or Facebook page.