One Verse for When I’m About to Overreact

The other night I had a dream. In the dream, one of my adult kids came to me with news I absolutely did not want to hear. I could feel myself about to overreact.

In the dream, steam shot from my ears as my head felt like it would explode! I screamed in the loudest voice I could muster. It was like an over-the-top, out-of-control overreaction.

I remember waking up thinking what a funny dream it was. Too much chips and salsa, most likely. Then God began searching my heart in that gentle way He has, bringing back to mind memories of times past when I’d overreacted to something my kids needed to tell me.

I’ve shared with you before about my struggle with letting go of frustration. I also shared how I thought I’d conquered it when I learned to control my mouth. But I discovered keeping frustration inside doesn’t deal with the problem. It only gives it a place to grow.

A Verse for Those of Us Prone to Overreacting

I don’t want my loved ones to be afraid to tell me something because they don’t know how I will react. I want to be the person they can trust. The one they can come to in times of trouble - a safe place.

So how do I get rid of my constant overreacting? How do I become the person my family knows they can come to with their problems?

I will find peace from overreacting when I stop giving frustration a safe harbor in my heart.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV

This one verse from Proverbs reminds us that we have the power to control what we allow in our hearts.

We often tuck our frustrated feelings away for safekeeping. And when we do, those feelings grow stronger. The problem is, whatever I stuff into my heart will eventually flow out of it. All that yuck spews out on the people closest to us, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

We can learn to guard our hearts, like in today’s verse. We can fill our hearts with good things and force frustration to find another harbor. The safe place we create can be reserved for our people. Our families and friends. When they perceive us as a safe place, they will feel free to come to us with their deepest hurts, biggest dreams, and everything in between. 

If you’ve struggled with overreacting, I’m right there with you. Maybe you’ve prayed in the past for victory over lashing out, but haven’t felt freedom from your compulsion to overreact. Friend, let’s start again. I believe in us!

With God’s help, we can find that freedom we long for and become the parents, wives, and friends God created us to be.

Want more resources to help you let go of frustration? Grab your free download of these one-sentence prayer cards. Click the image below to get access!