God Hasn’t Forgotten Your Miracle

Last week’s post featured a woman of the Bible who experienced an amazing miracle of God. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, you’ll find it here. 

But Sarah was not the only woman affected by her miracle. Another woman named Hagar wasn’t too excited to see God working through Sarah and providing her long-awaited blessing. And let’s face it; we’ve been there, too. At one time or another, we’ve all watched someone else who seemed to have God’s hand of blessing all over her and wondered if God remembers us at all.

Will God Answer My Prayer?

When we look at another woman and see God working mightily in her life, we may be tempted to question whether He’s forgotten us. Does He care? Is He even hearing me when I pray?

Hagar knew what it was like to question God’s presence in her life, but He hadn’t forgotten. In fact, Sarah’s miracle had a direct connection to the miracle He had planned for Hagar. I love how God connects us all! We may not be able to see it, but God always has everything worked out for our ultimate good.

Hagar often gets overlooked because of her role as a simple servant to Sarah. But when we see Hagar as a mom wanting the best for her child, we can relate to her plea when she didn’t want to see her son suffering. 

In the middle of the desert, Hagar cried out to God. They were alone, out of water, and void of any hope for their situation to change. But God saw Hagar and heard Ishmael’s cries (Genesis 21:17). 

“Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well full of water. She quickly filled her water container and gave the boy a drink” (Genesis 21:19).

God provided exactly what Hagar and Ishmael needed. 

Hagar’s story reminds us that in our loneliest times, God still sees us and provides what we need to survive. Hagar experienced the miracle of God’s provision.

If you are needing God to provide in some area of your life today, rest assured. He sees you and is working right now to meet that need. Trust in that today. God is the great Provider.

To discover more from Hagar’s story about trusting God and following His plan, join my Walking with Hagar: 5-Day Challenge to Following God’s Plan here. Enter your email below and you’ll get the first of 5 daily devotions emailed to you.

A portion of this post was taken from Kristine’s article on Crosswalk.com, “10 Women in the Bible Who Experienced a Miracle.”

When You’re Praying for a Miracle

Miracles. We experience them every day— in the phone call that comes at just the right time or the verse that speaks to exactly what we need.

We see God’s miracles in the vastness of the ocean and hear them in the faint whisper of a mom’s voice while holding her newborn baby. But sometimes we face big, scary circumstances. We pray for a miracle, but through the struggles we face, our faith can start to fade.

It’s in those dark times, we can turn to the God’s Word, including stories of women in Scripture who experienced mighty miracles from God. 

These wonders recorded in the Bible open our eyes to the miracles surrounding us every day. They remind us, “… the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below,” (Deuteronomy 4:39 NIV).

A Woman Who Experienced a Miracle from God

“The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age” (Genesis 21:1-2).

God had big plans for Sarah and her husband Abraham. Abraham’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars he saw in the sky (Genesis 15:5). Yet Sarah didn’t trust the truth of that promise because of her age. She decided to intervene and give God a little help. So she gave her servant Hagar to Abraham and instructed him to have children through her. In time, Hagar gave birth to Abraham’s first born son, Ishmael.

Have you ever tried to take matters into your own hands? Maybe you questioned whether you heard God right. So many times we doubt God’s ability to follow through on a promise, when all we need to do is trust.

So why is trusting God so hard? Why does our faith fizzle out in the waiting? 

If you are waiting on an answer from God right now, find encouragement in Sarah’s story. Because even in her doubt – even though she laughed when the angel told Abraham she would have a child – God still performed a miracle. Sarah experienced the miracle birth of her son Isaac.

Maybe the miracle you’re trusting God to provide seems impossible. Do not lose hope, my friend. We often imagine the answer to prayer the way we want it, but God has even better plans. He doesn’t always answer the way we expect, but He is always faithful.

Let’s keep praying for our miracles today, trusting God to work in our lives according to His timing, His plan, and His will. 

We can start with this prayer together:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I need a miracle in my situation.

I’ve been praying and praying, but I don’t see anything happening. I know you are working, Lord. Even when I can’t see it or feel it. You are always moving on my behalf. You have a plan, and I choose to trust in you.

Thank you for the inspiration you give in the Bible to help me have faith when I start to doubt. Even when we doubt, your plan still prevails. Thank you for all the times in my life when you’ve been faithful. Sometimes you answer prayer the way I want, and other times the answer comes in a different way than I expected. But you are always with me— guiding, comforting, and working all things together for my good.

You are a miracle-worker, and I know you haven’t forgotten me. As I pray for my miracle, I will keep trusting you, whatever the outcome. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Purple thought bubble. Text reads A Prayer for a Miracle.

A portion of this post was taken from Kristine’s article on Crosswalk.com, “10 Women in the Bible Who Experienced a Miracle.”