Are You Committed?

I am super-honored to have an amazing writer share her wisdom with us today as part of our For Real This Time series. Liz Giertz tackles the tough topic of commitment and how it helps us see results! Thank you for being here, Liz. Let's welcome her to the blog, everyone!

Are You Committed?

May I make a confession?

I might not be the most qualified person to write this article.

I’ve been working unsuccessfully on the same resolution for the last three years. 

I start every new year off with the best intentions, but then by about this time, I look back and see I’ve failed to make much or any progress. It doesn’t matter that I’ve constructed them according to the proven formula ensuring they are prominently posted and measurable with a deadline attached and micro-goals to celebrate along the way.


Often my list simply mocks me each morning as the year drags on.

Can you relate?

As I look back on some of the goals I have achieved, I see one common thread.




Not the kind of commitment that means I really believe something is better for me, but the kind of commitment that leads to action. To commit is a verb. It means to entrust, to perpetrate (or to do something), to pledge, or to obligate.

Too often, I can know something is right or desirable or healthy, but without commitment those are just ideals.

Commitment transforms ideals into achievements.


About 18 years ago I purchased one of those build-it-yourself tables. I worked hard and followed the directions and assembled it and stained it to match the coffee table I already owned. This table has been around the world with me. It has moved at least 12 times. It survived government storage and outlasted that coffee table.  As you might imagine we’ve updated our decor slightly since then, and for years I’ve been saying I was going to paint the table to what has become my signature red. 

I was convinced that painting it was what I really wanted to do. I talked it over with friends and family. I researched techniques for how to refinish it. I estimated how much and what kind of paint and what grade of sand paper I needed. I considered adding another shelf. I even purchased the paint. 

But there sat the table behind the couch in all its golden walnut glory mocking me, much like my 2016 goal sheet. 




Until I laid out a tarp in the back yard, drug the table outside, opened up the sand paper, and started to remove the antiquated glossy stain from the surface of the wood.


There was no turning back then. Once that sandpaper turned the table dull and dug scratches into the finish, I had no choice but to proceed with the project I’d only been contemplating for years. 


I was entirely committed.

I put my idea into action.

And now, I have the table of my dreams. 


As for daunting change in other areas of my life, I need to fully commit there as well.


First, I must entrust my way to the Lord and let Him establish my thoughts (Proverbs 16:3). While this may seem passive, surrender is never action-less. Sometimes change is fleeting in our lives because we have failed to surrender our thoughts and actions to His will. He is faithful to reveal His ways to us through His Word.

That way often inspires action that will commit us in one or more of the following ways. Think of accomplishing these small steps like the sandpaper on my table - once you do them you are all in.


1) Perpetrate, or do, something like removing all the junk food from your pantry, throwing away that carton of cigarettes, hitting send on that resume, publishing your first blog entry, or scheduling a doctor’s appointment.


2) Make a pledge to someone who will hold you accountable. This might come in the form of an apology to a family member or a friend promising to change a hurtful behavior, or signing a contract for a new business venture.


3) Obligate funds toward this purpose. This could involve purchasing something that will be useful, sending funds directly to your savings account each month, or writing a check to pay off that high interest credit card.


I don’t know what change you long to make for real this year, but I hope you will join me as we partner with God to find the action that will bring us to the point of no return. As we pray and study God’s Word, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal our next step as we fully commit to achieving our goals in 2016!

Liz Giertz is a Veteran turned Army wife and mom to two boisterous boys who call FT Hood, Texas home for now. She is passionate about encouraging women to leave behind the MESSES and embrace the MEMORIES as they become the MASTERPIECES God created them to be. You can connect with her on her blog, My Messy Desk, as well as on Facebook or Twitter.

5 Tips to Make Your Prayer Resolutions Stick

Please join me in welcoming Kathryn Shirey to the blog today! Kathryn writes on prayer and many other faith-based topics. Kathryn has a wealth of knowledge to share, and we are honored to have her as as a guest contributor for our January series, For REAL This Time: A Series of Hope for Good Intentions. Welcome, Kathryn!

5 Tips To Make Your Prayer Resolutions Stick

Over half of us will make New Year’s resolutions each year, yet less than 10% will actually achieve those goals. In fact, most of us will give up on those resolutions within the first month. Why are we so pitiful at following through on our resolutions? Too often, we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Then, when we don’t see the results we expected (or see them quickly enough), we quit.

Do you desire a deeper prayer life this year? Want to become more consistent? Find greater connection with God? Make prayer a more vital, active part of your life? First, check your expectations. Have you envisioned specific outcomes and expectations of what prayer means for you and how you expect your prayer life to look?

One thing I’ve learned is God rarely works according to our expectations. God doesn’t want your prayer actions, He wants your praying heart. God wants to build a relationship of trust with you through prayer, which may often take a different form than you expected.

5 tips to make your prayer resolutions stick:

1) Focus on one goal, rather than several.

Don’t create a whole list of goals for the year or month or week. Instead, set one and focus on it until it sticks. 

2) Set realistic, specific goals. 

In the business world, we say the best objectives are S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Actionable,Realistic, Time-Bound. This acronym doesn’t just apply to objectives on a performance review, but any goals you set for yourself (that you actually want to achieve). This will help you start somewhere, achieve something, and then set another goal once you achieve the first. 

Consider starting with 21 days of prayer. Commit to pray daily for 21 days over a specific question or topic and let God begin to work in your heart. (If you want help getting started, check out my 21-day devotional prayer book, “Pray Deep: 21 Days to Ignite Your Prayer Life”.

3) Take small steps. 

You won’t become a prayer warrior overnight. Transforming your family’s culture of prayer takes time and steps. Start small and don’t give up if you don’t immediately see the results you imagined. 

Consider adding a prayer each morning when you drop the kids off at school or before you get out of the car in the office parking lot. Maybe learn a new type of prayer, such as prayer journaling, prayer doodling, or praying from scriptures. Or, try a new method to track and organize prayer requests and commit to praying over your list every Friday morning over coffee.

4) Find an accountability partner.

Studies show we’re far more likely to follow through on a resolution if we state that resolution publicly and let others know we’re committed. Tell someone you trust about your prayer resolution and ask them to be an accountability partner. Ask them to check in with you to see how you’re doing - or better yet, ask them to join you in whatever goal you’ve selected.

5) Rewire your brain by creating new thought patterns.

To make a new habit stick, we have to rewire our brains, which means creating new thought patterns and behaviors. Don’t just try to do more of the same. Instead, try adding prayer into your life in new and different ways. As you begin to rewire your brain to incorporate prayer in one area, you’ll find that prayer will find its way into other areas, too. 

One of the ways I’ve done this is to add in everyday prayer prompts to help incorporate prayer into my daily routine. For example, when I’m driving with the kids and we see a firetruck or ambulance with its lights on, we pray for the 1st responders and the people they’re going to help. This has created a culture of prayer in our everyday routine and has led to more prayer throughout the day.

How will you make prayer part of your resolutions for the new year - and really make it stick this time?

Kathryn Shirey lives in Texas where she and her husband stay busy raising two energetic children. Connect with Kathryn on her blog, Finding Hope, where she writes about being intentional about faith, digging deeper into prayer, and inspiring others to seek a closer, personal relationship with God. She’s on a journey of discovery, finding where God’s leading her in His call to “go to work for God,” and stepping into exciting adventures in writing, speaking, and publishing. Find her “Pray Deep” devotional prayer journals on Amazon. You can also connect with Kathryn on social media by clicking the links below:




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