Gifts Jesus Wants Us to Unwrap

It's been almost two weeks since Easter Sunday - the day we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. 

I don't know about you, but the weeks leading up to that day always bring me to a special place of reflection and renewal. This year, I read through my friend Lisa's 100 Days with Christ Bible reading plan to prepare my heart for Easter. (You can download a copy free by clicking the link.)

But now here we are several days later, getting back to the daily routine. 

If you're like me, maybe you're crawling out of bed at 5 a.m. to get ready for work.

Or maybe you're tackling an overloaded schedule of errands and to-do lists.

Maybe you spend the day chasing youngsters and then mustering up just one more ounce of energy to cook dinner.

Most likely, we're all crashing into bed, ready to rise and repeat the same scene the next day.

If we're not careful, we can forget the beauty of what Jesus did for us. Not just through carrying the cross, but also in the time that followed the day He left the grave.

This year I discovered 5 precious gifts Jesus gave us.

Easter gifts.

He knew we would need them. And even though He gave them to us in the events surrounding Easter, He meant for us to enjoy them each and every day of our lives.

On days when monotony overwhelms us.

On days when exhaustion overtakes us.


On days when we're tempted to just go through the motions, His gifts long to be unwrapped. 

Click the link here to read about the 5 Gifts Jesus Gave Us on Easter.

May these gifts rejuvenate our spirits and saturate our hearts when we're tempted to return to life as usual.

Which gift will you unwrap today?

