God Hears Your Battle Shout

Sometimes it feels like the enemy has us surrounded. We sense him closing in and can’t find an escape. Maybe you feel that way right now, trapped from every side.

Does God Hear My Battle Shout?

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That’s what happened to King Abijah when his kingdom of Judah was at war with Israel. (2 Chronicles 13) Abijah stood for what was right in the eyes of God. And even though he was outnumbered by Israel’s King Jeroboam and his armies, Abijah did not back down from battle.

 "But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him." 2 Chronicles 13:10 ESV

At the time, Jeroboam wasn’t leading the people of Israel in the ways of God. So he didn’t listen when Abijah sent his warning. 

“...do not fight against the Lord, the God of your fathers, for you cannot succeed.” (2 Chron. 13:12)

Abijah faced troops in front of them, while Jeroboam also sent troops to ambush him from behind. Judah was surrounded by the enemy.

What does the Bible say about our battle cry?

There will be times in life when there seems to be no hope. When we’re being ambushed by the enemy from the front and from behind. Like Abijah, we can choose how we respond when we’re surrounded by the enemy. The example we see in King Abijah still applies to our battles today.

When surrounded by the enemy, we need to have a battle shout ready.

“When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear, they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priests blew the trumpets, and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of their battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel and routed them before Abijah and the army of Judah.” (2 Chron. 13:14-15 NLT)

When the men of Judah saw that the situation looked bleak, they called out to the Lord. God hears our cries of anguish. He is there, even when we feel like the battle lines have forged a chasm we can’t cross. Nothing can separate us from His love. (Romans 8:35)

Knowing God will never leave us in battle helps us trust Him in every circumstance.

That’s a beautiful thought, but when a desperate situation comes crashing into our lives, it’s hard to hold onto that promise. However, if we know our battle shout, we will be ready when trouble comes.

When God heard the battle cry, He defeated Judah’s enemy. Sometimes, like in the battle King Abijah faced, we get to see God work immediately, taking down the enemy right before us. Other times, the outcome doesn’t turn out the way we think it will. It’s during those times we need to trust God to take care of it, regardless of what we see happening in the moment.

Are you facing a situation that seems hopeless? Have you questioned whether God hears you at all?

Let’s commit together today to develop our own personal battle shout. Let’s stand side-by-side, warriors believing and trusting in the God who loves us. And if doubt or fear threatens to take over, we will be ready.

Want to find your battle shout? Do you long to be ready when opposition comes? Check out these 5 Best Verses for Your Battle Shout.

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5 Things Your Pastor’s Wife Needs from You Right Now

5 Things Your Pastor’s Wife Needs from You Right Now

She calls your name in prayer every night before attempting to sleep. She lifts your family up to God in the most difficult times of your life. She faithfully attends every church event. (She plans most of them, anyway.) You never see her without a smile on her face.

All the while her husband and family are prime targets of attack.

Beside every pastor is a woman willing to walk with him through the ups and downs that come with the profession. No other job relies so heavily on faith and offers so little worldly reward. Pastors are under scrutiny now more than ever. Because of this, the pastor’s wife carries a heavy load. So what can we do to ease her burden?

As the women of her congregation, we want to help. We may be tempted to send a quick text saying, “Let me know if you need anything.” But there is a better way to make sure we’re blessing our pastor’s wife and supporting her, as well as our pastor.

There are practical things we can do to assist our pastor’s wife today.

What can I do to help my pastor’s wife?

My husband and I served as interim pastors at various churches in times of transition. We also served as church planters.

We’ve seen the role of pastor and wife from both perspectives - as the church shepherds and as part of the congregation. We’ve understood the burden pastors feel for the well-being of their flock. So when we’re not serving in a pastoral role, we want to show our pastors and leaders in the church how much we appreciate the important work they do.

A Pastor’s Wife and Her Role in the Church

During my time as a pastor’s wife, many women blessed me with exactly what I needed to press on when all I wanted to do was give up. So many times I felt drained. Poured out until I had nothing left to give.

I wondered if my work mattered, and in the face of what seemed like constant opposition, I questioned my calling. Yet at just the right time, God sent someone to come alongside me and encourage me.

From those experiences, I learned how vital it is to stand beside our pastor’s wives, and how even the simplest act can be a huge encouragement to her. Here are 5 things your pastor’s wife needs from you right now. Prayerfully consider how you might follow these tips to help ease her burden today.

5 Ways to Bless Your Pastor’s Wife Today

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people and his incomparable great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:15-19 NIV 

  1. Pray for Her

Even though our intentions to pray for our pastor and his wife may be good, I am the first to admit falling short in my commitment to pray for them. Make no mistake, the pastor’s wife is an integral part of our church leadership, so we need to remember her in our daily prayers.

The pastor’s wife may remain silent most of the time, but consider the many people she ministers to each day. And she does it all with love.

We have no idea what the people in our church family may be going through, but she knows. The pastor’s wife intercedes in prayer for every single person in our church, including us. Let’s pray for wisdom and revelation on her behalf, as Paul says in verse 17. God will give her strength as we intercede for her in prayer.

(For helpful prayers, visit the free downloads page and see the resources available there. Enter your email here to gain access.)

2. Communicate Your Gratitude for All She Does

“I have not stopped giving thanks for you…”

Nothing says I appreciate you like a word of gratitude. Whether in person or in a hand-written note, a simple thank you will lift her spirit and offer an encouraging word when she needs it most.

I recall a time of discouragement in our ministry. All pastors face those times now and then. At just the right moment, I received a thank you card from a dear woman in our church. I will never forget her sincere gesture. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of a kind word.

3. Show Her Your Commitment to the Church

Your pastor’s wife may ask for a commitment from you to help or serve in a specific way. Can I share a secret with you? She usually hates to ask because she knows you are busy with your own work, family, and life. She wouldn’t ask without a lot of thought and prayerful consideration.

You can be honest with her (and yourself) about what you are able to do, but also be gentle. Consider her heart and her feelings while considering how you can help.

Pastor’s wives need us to serve. Let’s look for ways to help while remaining realistic with our commitments.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Stand Against Criticism

Sometimes even those well-intentioned conversations can turn toxic.

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We may mean well, but even a simple statement like, “I wish our church had this…” or, “If only our pastors would…” can lead to our sweet pastor’s wife feeling criticized.

When someone criticizes our pastor’s wife, it’s okay to speak out against the criticism. We don’t have to be harsh with our words to be firm in our commitment to support her ministry. We can simply and gracefully put an end to the conversation, then walk away.

5. Make Her a Simple Casserole, or Your Favorite Dish

This one’s my favorite, probably because cooking is not something I enjoy! I am thrilled when someone surprises me with a meal. Want to bless your pastor’s wife in a very tangible way right now? Cook a casserole and surprise her family with a yummy dinner.

You don’t have to be an amazing cook to bless the pastor’s family with a meal. A sweet friend from our church used to pick up a bucket of bar-b-que, a package of buns, and a bag of chips for us once in a while. What a treat that was! I didn’t have to cook, and I could enjoy time with my family. Food is a sure-fire way to show your love and concern for her.

We can rest assured that our pastor’s wife loves us more than we know. We shouldn’t feel overlooked or forgotten if she hasn’t talked to us in a while. We must remember how overwhelming her role can be.

Let’s commit today to lift her up, just as she does for us.

May these tips I’ve shared with you here inspire you to find other ways to support your pastor’s wife and her ministry within the church. Our efforts will make a difference in her life, her family, and our community.

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