What is God's Plan for Your Struggle?

It began as a simple phone call.

The moment she answered, my friend sensed something was wrong. And without asking for details about my situation, she offered to pray for me. Somehow she understood. She prayed for God to bring comfort and thanked Him for providing whatever I needed to walk through the trial. What she prayed for next, I will never forget.

“Father, thank you that when Kristine comes through this, you will allow her to encourage someone else going through the same struggle.”

What? Encourage someone else in their struggle? In the middle of my mess, the idea seemed impossible.

What does God say about struggles?

Is it God's plan for us to suffer? Am I the only one hurting like this? When we face life’s toughest battles, it’s easy to feel alone - like no one understands. That lie can keep us from experiencing the good work God has planned for us through the struggle. That’s why it is so important to not only thank Him for His goodness but also share about all He has done.

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.” Psalm 107:2-3

When circumstances seem at their absolute worst, encouraging someone else is far from my mind. If I’m searching for strength to get through my day, how can I possibly offer help to another person?

What does God say about his plans for us?

It’s in those uncertain times that we find hope in God’s promise in Romans 8:28. He works all things together for good for those who love Him. All things, even the yucky stuff. Even in the struggle. And although I might not feel like it at that moment. There will be a day when God will open the door for me to share my victory and encourage a friend with His faithfulness.

Kristine Brown What is God's Plan For Your Struggles Featured.jpg

“Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy.” Psalm 107:22

I hesitated before calling my friend that day because I thought I had to face my challenge alone. Her response changed that. We praised. We thanked Him. She told me how God had provided for her, broken chains, healed sickness, and brought peace to her storms. What an encouragement!

Are you needing God’s provision today? Do you need to know there is a plan beyond the struggle? That simple phone call with my friend taught me a valuable truth.

When you find yourself asking “What is God's Plan for My Struggle?” remember not to struggle alone. Yesterday’s victory for someone else can bring hope to your struggle today. And one day, you will be able to offer the same encouragement to another.


Believing the Best for My Kids

Kicking back in a lounge chair at the water park, I sat watching with the other young moms. I smiled with satisfaction at the clever design of this place. Moms could relax and still see their little ones splashing, exploring, and making friends. All the while staying close enough to hop up and run to the rescue in the event of an emergency.

I settled in for a fun-filled day in the sun with my youngster. But I never would’ve expected what happened next.

Two women walked up to my six year old. The way they stood over him and looked down with scowling faces told me this was not good. I sat stunned, not believing my eyes. So as soon as I broke free from the initial shock, I gathered my composure and headed toward the altercation.

By the time I reached my boy, the women had marched back to their chairs. I asked him what they said. Apparently he’d squirted a water blaster at a girl while playing on the makeshift pirate ship, and she was upset. My first thought was, “It’s a water park. What do you expect?”

Then my second thought was, “How do I handle this situation?”

My Mama Bear blood boiled. But I hesitated to confront them because I feared it would turn into a big ordeal. More than anything, I didn’t want it to ruin our day. I just wanted to enjoy time with my boy. So what to do??

“How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying his commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed.” Psalm 112:1-2 NLT

So many times as a mom I try to mold my child’s circumstances rather than letting those circumstances shape who God wants him to become.

Today’s verse reminds me that I can be joyful all the time because my delight is in the Lord. Even in times of turmoil. I don’t need to worry about these little bumps in the road for my child. As long as I keep my delight in the Lord, He will guide my child’s steps.

With my mind swirling around the abrupt interruption to an otherwise beautiful day, I noticed something astounding. In the midst of my confusion over what to do, my son had already forgotten about the whole thing. He was off making new friends and embarking on new pirate adventures.

The waterpark incident was one of many times I fretted over how to ‘do this parenting thing right’. But over the years I’ve seen how God uses those difficult circumstances to strengthen and develop him. Today our boy’s a young adult, and sometimes I still fall into the trap of trying to control the outcome of his experiences. So when I’m tempted to fret over struggles that come his way, I can remember this. God doesn’t have anything less than His very best plans for my kids.

It may not look anything like what I envision, and that’s okay. God’s way is always best.

