Blessing Others Through the Book

In last week’s post, What You Will Find in the Over It book, I shared about the book’s message and who would benefit from reading it.

But the benefits of the book don’t stop there. You see, the book began with an idea that after it was published, it could somehow reach beyond those reading it and continue blessing others, even once the book is back on the shelf. That’s when God whispered His plan into my heart.

It began as an idea, and many times ideas need more than one person to pull them together. Thankfully, my friends Teri and Melissa listened to the idea and helped me bring it to life. I’ll just say it. I needed their giving hearts and wise advice to make it happen. I couldn’t have done it without them.

That’s how the More Than Yourself, Inc. scholarship program for junior high girls came to be.

Before penning the first word of Over It, we developed an online essay contest where girls from our community could apply to receive funds to help them get started toward their dreams. And what sets this program apart from others is that it’s only open to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade girls.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book go directly into the scholarship fund.

They may be a few years away from attending college, but these funds will be waiting for them when they begin. We are giving away $1000, $750, and two $500 amounts to four recipients.

Our prayer is that this small gesture will give them a little extra motivation as they press on to finish high school and work toward achieving their goals. Our desire is to show them someone believes in them.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this with you now when the book hasn’t released yet. Stepping out in faith, we were able to start the program back in September. So we are beyond excited for an upcoming announcement…

The first annual scholarship recipients will be announced on the scholarship page this coming Tuesday, March 22nd!

On behalf of the More Than Yourself board, we pray you will find extra joy in knowing this. When you purchase and read the Over It book, you are also helping a young girl move one step closer to her dreams. We all know how confusing and hard those junior high years can be. Maybe this gesture will offer hope and help at a time when it’s needed most.

Thank you for being a blessing. For more information about purchasing the #OverItBook, visit the book page here.


What you will find in the Over It book

In what area of your life do you catch yourself giving in to the voice of comparison? This voice attempts to worm its way into every part of our world…



Social media.


And so much more.

Sometimes we get so used to hearing it that we become immune to its whispers. As a result, we don’t even realize how dangerous comparison can be.

Photo by Garrett Brown

Photo by Garrett Brown

We may think our natural human tendency is to compare ourselves to others. We may also think it’s something we should just learn to live with.

If you’ve ever thought this, I have good news to share with you today.

Did you know there are practical steps we can take to keep the negative effects of comparison away? There are, and each one is outlined in my upcoming book, Over It. Conquering Comparison to Live Out God’s Plan.

But rest assured, these steps didn’t come from me. I’ve definitely listened to that nagging voice in my own life, but I found the keys to overcoming it through the lives of some very special women in Scripture.

I just adore our sisters in the Bible, don’t you? We can learn so much from their lives…

From some of them we can learn obedience.

From others we can learn boldness.

Many of their stories teach us about faith.

But lessons about victory over comparison come from lives you wouldn’t expect – women who took their place in the background. Their stories show us how to conquer comparison to live out God’s plan. I can’t wait to introduce you to them in the pages of the book.

For more information about the book, visit the book page here