Teaching Our Kids to Be Thankful

I just knew I had done everything I could.

We read pilgrim stories at Thanksgiving. We crafted cards for the nursing home residents on Valentine’s Day, complete with pink cut-out hearts. We filled shoe boxes with goodies at Christmas, for goodness sake!

What more could I have possibly done to teach my child to be thankful?

Watching a 5-year-old share his favorite toy with the next-door neighbor can make a momma’s heart swell with pride. And this momma had plenty of chances to praise her boy for his servant’s heart.

Yet here I am now, with a teenager in the house. And I find myself in a frustrating but familiar pattern...

I am honored to be part of the Everyday Thanksgiving series at Sweet to the Soul today. Click here to hop over and finish reading today's post on how to teach our kids to be thankful.



When You Can’t See What’s Around the Corner

Enjoying the outdoors can be tricky. My teen and his buddies love to longboard. (That’s longboard, not skateboard. They will correct me if I don’t make that clear.)  We don’t have sidewalks in our neighborhood, which poses quite a dilemma.

On top of that, the roads are narrow and filled with unexpected twists and turns. Sharp curves and tall trees mean blindness to what lies ahead.

Thrilling for longboarders. Frightening for moms.

In spite of the obstacles, the kids have adapted well. One will stand at the curve and give the all-clear signal when it's safe to go. They’ve discovered having someone there with you to be your eyes and ears makes the journey safer, and a lot more fun.

Life is like that sometimes.

We charge ahead with determination until reaching a curve. That bend creates a blind spot, and we can’t see beyond it. Do we keep going? Or do we turn around and head back? The answer is clear, as long as we have someone with us.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

God will be your eyes when you can't see what's around the corner. (Tweet this.)


Just as one boy can give the ‘all clear’ signal before another zooms around the next curve, God will go before us. All we need to do is keep moving forward and trusting Him.

If He doesn’t want us to continue on that path, He will throw up the ‘caution’ sign. We only need to pay attention.

I’m thankful my boy has enough sense not to race into the possibility of oncoming traffic. Longboards don’t have brakes. I’m equally thankful for patient neighbors who drive with caution!

God inspires us to be bold as we forge ahead, but He never expects us to go alone. When we trust His leading today, He will direct us down the right path – curves and all.

Now, if I could just get those boys to wear helmets!
