Letting Comparison Cause Me to Doubt My Worth

My life hasn’t always been about good choices, all tied up into a neat little bow. For a time, good decisions seemed to fade into the background, pushed out by a more prominent desire to find myself in a world where that was the cool thing to do.

I found my worth through the world’s view.

Letting comparison cause me to doubt my worth.

Good choices came and went, but they were never quite able to pull me away from my all-about-me attitude. Then one day, someone invited me to church. That’s where I met Jesus.

I learned about how Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice so that I could have the chance to live with Him in heaven one day. And not only that, but also the abundant life God freely gives to those who know Him. That day, I made the best choice of all. I accepted Him.

Discovering the Source of Our Worth

You’d think such a stellar decision would set me on an easy path toward change. But I soon found that change could only come through hard places.

As much as I tried, I couldn’t get past the unworthiness I felt deep in my heart. Considering the way I’d lived, how could I truly be forgiven? What about my past mistakes?

I began to look at other faith-filled women with awe. Women who served our Savior with grace and poise. How beautiful they were! They all certainly deserved a place at the Master’s table. But me? Not so much. Instead of looking to them as mentors and choosing to learn from their example, I started to compare.

I measured my first days as a new Christian against their years of serving the Lord, and I didn’t measure up.

This struggle with comparison caused me to question my value. Yet God used it for my ultimate good by sending me on a remarkable journey to discover who He created me to be.

To find my true worth in my relationship with Jesus.

I didn’t realize how many times the voice of comparison had whispered into my life in that sneaky way it has. But as I learned to recognize its ways and stay alert to its dangers, a miracle happened. I began to uncover what God’s Word says about comparison and how I could conquer it once and for all.

What the Bible Says About Our Worth

“If you are content to simply be yourself, you will become more than yourself” (Luke 14:11 MSG).

This verse initiated a turning point in my life. I discovered even more deep truths in God’s Word about who he says we are, and how he feels about us. Through this key verse and others, God uncovered my own battle with comparison and how it led to feeling unworthy of his love.

And He will do the same for you, too.

Is It Possible to Conquer Comparison?

Conquering comparison is an ongoing challenge, but with Jesus the answer is yes, it is possible. Because I believe with all my heart that God’s love for us in infinite. He helps us let go of the not-so-wise choices of the past and embrace who we are in Christ today.

Oh, I haven’t arrived just yet. None of us have. But with encouragement and hope from God’s powerful Word, I am well on my way to being able to say, “I’m worthy,” and meaning it.

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to silence the voice of comparison in your own life? It is, my friend, but I’m not going to sugar-coat the truth for you. It takes a commitment to more of God and His Word. The journey toward change may not be all pretty and perfect, but it will definitely be worth it.

Let’s make a choice today. Let’s dare not to compare, and find the truth about our worth. “We are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do the good works he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

Interested in learning more about overcoming comparison from the stories of three women in the Bible? You can find out more in my book Over It. Stop by and visit the book page here.

When Comparison Causes Me to Doubt My Worth

I shouldn’t have come, I thought. I scanned the crowded room, searching for a familiar face. I took an awkward side-step out of the way as a group of giggling girlfriends came toward me. A quick glance at the door told me I might be able to exit without anyone noticing. Before making my getaway, the host intercepted and led me to an empty table.

Enthusiasm filled the air, but to me it felt as distant as the ladies laughing and joking with each other. In the midst of all the hugs, selfies, and squeals of new friendships forming, I couldn’t help but feel something missing. Like they all had something I didn’t - companionship, belonging. And with every pang of longing felt, the voice of comparison grew louder and louder. Before I realized it, my compulsion to compare caused me to question my worth.

A woman in Scripture named Leah knew a thing or two about comparison. From the first moment we meet her, we get a glimpse of her countenance through the look in her eyes.

“There was no sparkle in Leah’s eyes, but Rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face,” (Genesis 29:17 NLT).

Leah led a sparkle-free life. Her special qualities concealed inside. She was just an ordinary girl who didn’t see anything super special about herself.

From where she stood, her sister Rachel seemed to have it all - beauty, her father’s affection, her husband Jacob’s love. When the two sisters were together, heads always turned toward Rachel. Leah had grown used to that, so it didn’t surprise her when Jacob favored her younger sister. And focusing on Rachel only magnified her emptiness.

When we compare, we turn our focus away from God. We let negative self-talk determine our worth. By seeing all she was missing, Leah allowed comparison to steal her shine. But God saw something more. He saw her as the woman He created - real, wonderful, magnificent.

“How magnificent are Your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts,” (Psalm 92:5 HCSB).

Leah may have gotten caught up in competition with Rachel, but when she turned her eyes toward God, she discovered her true worth. From Leah’s story, we can learn an important truth.

When we look at ourselves and see mediocre, God looks at us and sees magnificent.


Leah’s story brings hope today. It shows us we’re not alone in the battle with comparison. If we will let Him, God will fill the missing pieces in our hearts in the most beautiful ways, just like he did for me that night. God used a new friend at a simple gathering of women to reach out to this lonely girl. Just as I’d resolved to go hide in the bathroom, a brave young lady joined me at the table. We chatted, we connected, and best of all we found comfort in encouraging one another instead of comparing.

Just like Leah, we too can focus our gaze on God and discover our worth in our Heavenly Father. So let’s silence the voice of comparison today and see ourselves as God sees us. We are valuable. We are loved. We are His magnificent creation.

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!” (Psalm 139:17 NLT).


