How to Find Grace and Peace in Your Holiday Schedule

My holiday schedule can trigger a mix of emotions.

On one hand, I look forward to having time with family and a chance to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

On the other hand, there’s the impending predicament of how to fit everything onto the calendar. Before Thanksgiving, my mind started swirling around all the things I could add to my to-do list. People to visit, school programs to attend, holiday parties, and more. Add in shopping, cooking, and celebrating, and the whole thing can get overwhelming.

So this year, I’m adopting a mantra to help me keep my perspective straight through the season. I’m choosing to find grace and peace in our holiday schedule.


This week and next, we’ll explore 4 ways grace can help us make the most of our holidays. Following these steps will ensure a rush-free and peace-filled season for all of us.


Let’s ask ourselves what will bring us closer to Jesus this season, then schedule that first.

It’s the problem I face every year. My mom-instincts start planning the perfect way to celebrate Christmas. I make sure we schedule time to visit relatives, bake homemade goodies, and do something special to bless those less fortunate.

Before long, I realize I’ve scheduled every spare second of our holidays. I haven’t left any space to spend time with my Savior.

It’s funny how we can get so busy during this time of remembering Jesus’ birth that we forget to spend time with Jesus. But we can choose not to let that happen this year.

Let’s take a few minutes right now to determine what will bring us closer to Him. Is it quiet time in the morning? A daily Scripture reading before bed? Or even a short, day retreat to a special place to reflect on His goodness? Whatever we choose, let’s write it on our calendar today.

Scheduling our time with Jesus first will keep our minds set on Him through the entire season.


Let’s determine our non-negotiables over the holidays and schedule those next.

My dad lives a couple of hours away. Visiting him during vacation time is top priority for me. So, I schedule a day to go see him. For me, this is a non-negotiable.

Each of us has something we consider an absolute necessity. A must-do during Thanksgiving or Christmas. But so many opportunities pop up that those top priorities often get pushed aside. Then as the holidays come to an end, we regret not making time for the important things.

Let’s make a list of our non-negotiables today. By adding these to the calendar now, we can ensure our most important things don’t get forced out by other events.


In next week’s devotion, we will discover two more ways to find grace and peace in our holiday schedules. Until then, let’s take a moment to reflect on the ideas in today’s post.

God will guide us as we prepare for a restful and rejuvenating holiday season.





Teaching Our Kids to Be Thankful

I just knew I had done everything I could.

We read pilgrim stories at Thanksgiving. We crafted cards for the nursing home residents on Valentine’s Day, complete with pink cut-out hearts. We filled shoe boxes with goodies at Christmas, for goodness sake!

What more could I have possibly done to teach my child to be thankful?

Watching a 5-year-old share his favorite toy with the next-door neighbor can make a momma’s heart swell with pride. And this momma had plenty of chances to praise her boy for his servant’s heart.

Yet here I am now, with a teenager in the house. And I find myself in a frustrating but familiar pattern...

I am honored to be part of the Everyday Thanksgiving series at Sweet to the Soul today. Click here to hop over and finish reading today's post on how to teach our kids to be thankful.

